Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer 2008 - Update

Hey everyone,

Sorry I've been gone! My work decided that blogspot was taking up too much time and banned it. But the people revolted! So now it's back, and I can start sneaking in some posts on my lunch break. Since MAY has been the last time I posted, I figured I better catch everyone up on whats happening this summer.

Campaign: Ryan won! By a very healthy margin of 22%. I'm excited my first campaign managing turned out so surprisingly well. Go Wilcox team!

School: I just completed my semi-brutal course on the Practice of Public Management. I actually learned quite a bit about how organizational structures and cultures effect operations. However, I was pretty disappointed that the class had such a Private company, rather than Public or Non-profit, approach.

Dating: Nada! My dating life sucks. I'm not even sure the last time I actually went on a date... Yikes! Maybe I'll just be like my big brother, Cubby.

Living Quarters: As you all may have guessed by now, I'm a little compulsive. So over the past year, I think I've moved 3 or 4 times. And I'm about to move again. I've got a hold on an apartment at The Village on Main Street in Bountiful. We'll see if it works out, but I cant afford the gas driving from West Haven to SLC every day, so, hopefully something presents itself!

So that's all for now. When I can get to some photos, I'll edit this post and add them in. Sorry, just boring text-information for now. Hope everyone is doing great!

Oh and come to my BBQ on August 9th yall! Call or text me for more info. DO IT!




The Stephensen's said...

YAY!!! Baz lives!! Its a bout damn ya

Hollie said...

Nice update Bazzle G!! all your work/school stuff is way over my smart guy you...keep it seriously so proud of you!! yessss, gas sucks...ive taken the front runner a couple times now...its nice, but very time consuming...thats why im getting a job in ogden again..:) i like that you add Cub in the non dating department to...dont guys will find your mrs. amazing sometime!! nice to see your see alive and kicking...ill check again soon:)

JMe said...

Holy Freaking Crap, Barry! It's only been like, three years since you posted, geez!!! I forgive you.

Unknown said...

You should just give up the Weber/Davis county non-sense! Just move to Salt Lake already. You work here, you go to school here and I bet you spend a great deal of your time that your not at work or school in Salt Lake. The liberals are not all that bad.

Glad to see you made it though Summer school. I don't know how you did it. I'm not sure I can make it another semester.

Lindsay said...

don't worry, it's cool not to date. at least it runs in the family!

Dustin, Joni & Brighton said...

Bazz, it's about bloody time! That is all that I am going to say! And by the way GOOOOO Team USA!! Michael Phelps is the Shizzzzz!

Bean said...

I will date you Barry

Lindsay said...

you should blog or something.

that's all I'm saying.

Hollie said...

we are going private..send me your email address so i cant send you and invite to the blog;)

Hollie said...

i meant CAN send you an invite-haha

Kelly said...

Barry I found your blog! Now go look at mine.

JMe said...

Hi Baz! I have an idea: how about some pics of the new place?? I'd love to see your new abode!

Shiloh and Bob Willey said...

Barry- I haven't seen you in forever- So how's being in politics? Sounds like you're loving it- It also sounds like you need to start looking for some girls-you could double with cub!! Love, Shi